Advisers can select from the Fusion Optima range, the Fusion Active range, the Fusion ProActive Planet range, the Fusion Champions range or the Fusion Passive range of portfolios.
Fusion Optima portfolios aim to systematically harvest risk premiums while minimizing the costs of the investments by investing mainly in exchange-traded instruments with a high level of liquidity and avoiding excessive portfolio turnover.
Fusion Active range is implemented primarily using actively managed collective investments schemes and is designed for investors who believe that utilising short-term market opportunities and market timing can, in the long run, considerably add to an investor’s return.
Fusion ProActive Planet are made up of components which have been screened to ensure they have high ESG ratings, provided by MSCI. MSCI ESG fund ratings aim to measure the resilience of funds to financially material environmental, societal and governance (ESG) risks. Where the fund is not rated by MSCI, additional third-party ratings providers are used. Examples of fund strategies with high ESG ratings include those which aim to remove or limit exposure to controversial or damaging industries, or aim to increase exposure to companies having a positive climate impact.
Fusion Champions portfolios are built using the most uncorrelated combination of the best performing multi-asset funds corresponding to the specified risk level, resulting in diversification among the best solutions across the industry, delivering a simple and transparent, yet effective, solution for investors.
Fusion Passive portfolios are constructed by fulfilling a strategic asset allocations which are consistent with Dynamic Planner risk profiles and target asset allocation, through the use of low-cost tracker funds from a diversified set of first tier providers to deliver a low-cost, transparent, passive solution.