In June 2022, following requests from IFA firms, Fusion Asset Management LLP has added two new MPS ranges: Fusion Passive range and Fusion Champions range.
Fusion Passive portfolios are constructed by fulfilling a strategic asset allocations which are consistent with Dynamic Planner risk profiles and target asset allocation, through the use of low-cost tracker funds from a diversified set of first tier providers to deliver a low-cost, transparent, passive solution. Fusion aims to keep total costs of these portfolios within 0.25%, combining fund charges and DFM charges. The Passive range is designed for investors who trust in the passive investment philosophy and value the additional transparency of their portfolio alignment with that of a widely trusted and recognised industry risk profiling tool.
Fusion Champions portfolios are built using the most uncorrelated combination of the best performing multi-asset funds corresponding to the specified risk level, resulting in diversification among the best solutions across the industry, delivering a simple and transparent, yet effective, solution for investors. Fusion aims to keep total costs of these portfolios within 0.45%, combining fund charges and DFM charges. The Champions range is designed for investors who seek exposure to the ‘best in class’ multi-asset funds, yet appreciate the benefits that diversification brings, particularly in times of a market stress.
More information of the new portfolio ranges can be found here Managed Portfolios Ranges – Fusion Asset Management LLP (